Monday 22 June 2009

Course info - Prelim

Prelim & school prize

There will be a prelim in January/February, and the mark will appear on your spring report, and will also inform estimates of your grade which go to the SQA and universities. The prelim will be shorter than the final exam, and will focus on research evidence.

As the SQA require appeals evidence to cover all three units of the Higher, it will be necessary to run an additional ‘2nd prelim’, which will take place in late April/early May. Although this is a busy time for all students, the exam practice will be very useful preparation, and this will be a good time to start your exam revision.

The student(s) with the most marks in NABs and January prelim combined will be awarded the prize(s) for psychology, and the top 25% of students will appear on the ‘Order of Merit’ for the year.

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