Thursday 29 October 2009

Essay competition

Corpus Christi College (Cambridge University) is holding its annual essay competition for subjects including Psychology. This is aimed at A-Level and Higher students. Each school can enter up to two essays. Your essay should be 1,500 - 2,00o words in answer to one of the following questions:

1) Why do some people oppose immigration?
2) Is it possible to predict at birth which children are most likely to behave anti-socially?
3) "It is vital that action is taken to improve the health of those who regularly drink above the recommended daily limits for lower risk drinking" (Department of Health). What kind of action can be taken to encourage people to drink less alcohol, and how successful are the options likely to be?

It is noted that students are not expected to be studying any of the above subject matter on their course, and that they should draw on information from across the curriculum in their answers.

Let me know if you're interested - prize money is available, plus it would look fantastic on your CV!

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