Thursday 26 November 2009

Many of you have asked about which university psychology departments I would recommend. There are a lot of things to take into account when you choose your university, and the reputation of the department is only one of them. However for your information, here are the ratings of the major Scottish psych departments from the RAE 2008 (see for more info). I have included Cambridge, Sheffield, Bangor and Ulster for comparison!

(Red=% of staff who are internationally acclaimed, top of their field; lilac=% who are internationally reknowned but not quite as good as the reds, and the next two numbers are the divisions below that! The number in brackets is the number of staff, full time equivalent, who were included.)

St Andrews (33.90) 20 45 35 0

Glasgow (26.00) 20 40 40 0

Edinburgh (38.51) 15 45 35 5

Aberdeen (26.00) 5 45 40 10

Dundee (22.00) 5 30 50 15

Stirling (24.20) 5 10 55 30

Strath (17.00) 0 30 45 25

Heriot Watt (9.20) 0 5 30 65

Glasgow Cal (18.70) 0 10 40 50

Abertay (10.00) 0 15 40 45

Bangor (39.00) 20 45 25 10

Ulster (27.00) 5 20 45 30

Sheffield (40.45) 15 45 35 5

Cambridge (24.00) 35 50 15 0

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